
My Homemade Mother's Day Gift

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Contemplation

In a world full of tragedy, anger and woe,
And displaced families with nowhere to go,
With no table to sit at and no food to eat,
Just the clothes on their backs and the shoes on their feet,
We look forward to sharing a meal in peace,
To share with our grandchild and nephew and niece,
To eat to our fill of grandest of fares
At our finely clothed tables on the plushest of chairs;
And forget that the reason for the day of abundance;
Did not come of a life full of over indulgence;
But those who before us were seeking asylum
Also set sail toward a better horizon,
And they gathered together in remembrance how the One
Had guided through adversity into the sun.
And they gathered their blessings of victuals and wares
In grateful thanksgiving they offered up prayers.
So let us remember as we sit down together
The blessings God gave us in good and bad weather
And pray we consider and not take for granted
The blessings and trials of a people transplanted.

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